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our plan to resume in person gatherings:


After engaging in extended times of prayer and thoughtful discussion, our church leadership has decided that we will resume in-person gatherings on Sunday June 7th as a “phase one” of our process of re-opening. We will also begin mid-week services on Wednesday, June 10th for teenagers and adults. We couldn't be more thrilled to share this news with all of you!


We will be taking a smart, measured, and careful approach to resuming in person gatherings. We have thus far kept our building closed out of a sense of love and care for our congregation and concern about the spread of the virus in our community. We have also desired to show proper deference and respect toward those entrusted with governing our state and nation. However, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Lenawee County has remained very low, even as more and more of our state has started to re-open. By taking a careful approach to coming together again at our church, we believe we can safely resume our weekly Sunday morning service. 


For those that do not feel comfortable or safe gathering as of yet, rest assured that we will continue to provide excellent and effective ministry online.


We will be following the CDC recommended guidelines for houses of worship. These include: 


Encouraging all staff and congregants to maintain good hand hygiene, washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.


We ask that if anyone sick or is in compromised health to stay home. If your temperature is above 100.3 degrees, we ask that you stay home as well.


We encourage the use of cloth face coverings among congregants, and they will be required for all ministry team members when they are not able to socially distance. Face coverings are most essential when social distancing is difficult.


We will be cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces at least daily and shared objects in between uses.


To maintain proper social distancing, we will not be providing children’s ministry or nursery in this first phase of gathering.


We encourage families to maintain six feet of distancing between other families. We will not be gathering in close proximity in our foyer or fellowship hall.


If attendance of one of our services is above 50% capacity of our sanctuary, we will add another service to accommodate appropriate social distancing. 


We will not be passing offering plates or handing out any printed materials, including bulletins. 


We will not be greeting one another with handshakes, hugs, or high fives. 


Mailing address:


Tecumseh Assembly of God

P.O. Box 176

Tecumseh, MI 49286


Physical address:


Tecumseh Assembly of God

1080 E Chicago Blvd.

Tecumseh, MI 49286


We are located at the south-west Corner of Chicago Blvd. (M-50) and Rogers Hwy with our entrance off of Rogers.




(517) 423-5607


We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email with your comments and thoughts.



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